Friday, January 4, 2008

Soaking at the car wash

My family went to Kansas to be with our parents over the Christmas holiday. My wife's parents live in Hutchinson Kansas, so we borrowed my parents car to drive there from my parent' house. It had just snowed and we had a white Christmas-- first one for us in a long time, It was wonderful. The car we drove was a black SUV and, with all the snow melting, the black car started to look pretty dirty. I saw a drive-through car wash next to the place we were staying, so I thought I'd take the car through. I pulled into the car wash and the door shut behind me. The lights in front of me started flashing "Stop", "Pre-wash", "Applying Soap", "Spotless Rinse", and then one of the lights flashed "Soaking car." This caught my attention immediately. I sensed the Lord saying, "Car washes have a better understanding of what it means to be in the presence of something. That told me the car was going to be poured over/saturated by water. The car had but to sit in the "presence" of the water. It didn't have to do anything except to receive the water.

Then it hit me. That's what God wants us to do with Him-- to just simply soak in His presence; to let him pour over us, to saturate us with His love, to not be "doing" but simply "being." God wants us to drive into the heavenly car wash (prayer closet, office, car, etc.) and we close the doors to all distrations. Then, God begins to rain down on us. He says, "If you draw near to me, I'll will draw near to you." We just soak in everything that He has for us. We let Him clean us up, (inside out), dry us off, and we're good to go on the road again.

It's amazing that God wants to speak to us even in a car wash, or that He would use the car wash to get my attention.

How about you? Have you driven into a car wash lately? Have you seen the sign that reads, "Craig Soaking?" (put your name in there)

I hope your weekend is filled with moments of soaking in the very presence of Him


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.